31 December 2018
December 2018 Quiz
Age: The dark carpal bar across the upperwing coverts, and apparent full tail band point to a 1st cycle gull.
Identification: The overall wingtip pattern and carpal bar point to a small tern-like gull (so-called sternine gull). There are only two species in North America that show a complete black trailing edge from the body out to the outermost primary: Black-headed Gull and Bonaparte's Gull. Seeing the bill would've been helpful as the two typically show different bill patterns. But there's something much more obvious that we can use here. Black-headed has considerably more black on the under-primaries, as seen here. The light gray/white pattern on the under primaries on our December Quiz bird are spot on for a 1st cycle Bonaparte's Gull.
Cuyahoga County, Ohio. November.
01 December 2018
Monthly Notables November 2018
- California Gull (adult). Cameron Parish County, Louisiana. 01 November 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (3rd cycle type). Curry County, Oregon. 02 November 2018.
- 1st County Record. Retained p9-p10.
- California Gull (1st cycle). Jacksonville, Florida. 07 November 2018.
- Laughing Gull (1st cycle). Lake County, Indiana. 07 November 2018.
- Little Gull (adult). Capital District, British Columbia. 07 November 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Santa Clara County, California. 10 November 2018.
- Great Black-backed Gull (adult). Pueblo County, Colorado. 10 November 2018.
- Believed to be the same individual returning for the 25th year!
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (3rd cycle). San Francisco County, California. 12 November 2018.
- 1st Farallon Island record. Missing left foot. Likely the same individual seen in San Mateo County in April 2018 (then a 2nd cycle).
- California Gull (adult). LaPorte County, Indiana. 12 November 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Benton County, Washington. 16 November 2018.
- Glaucous-winged Gull (1st cycle). Larimer County, Colorado. 16 November 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. 17 November 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (2nd cycle). Sarasota County, Florida. 18 November 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). San Francisco County, California. 19 November 2018.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Wilson County, Tennessee. 21 November 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Georgetown County, South Carolina. 22 November 2018.
- Common Gull (adult). Essex County, Massachusetts. 24 November 2018.
- Returning for the third consecutive winter, this individual has a silver band on the right leg, originating from Iceland. No p8 mirror and a broken p5 band.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Nipissing County, Ontario. 24 November 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (1st cycle). Sarasota County, Florida. 24 November 2018.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Perry & Faulkner County, Arkansas. 25 November 2018.
- European Herring Gull (1st cycle). St. John's County, Newfoundland. 25 November 2018.
- Glaucolus Gull (1st cycle). Madison County, Mississippi. 26 November 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). San Diego County, California. 28 November 2018.
- Retained p8-p10.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Clark County, Nevada. 29 November 2018.
Miscellaneous Notes
- An estimated 170 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were reported at the Findlay Reservoir in Hancock County, Ohio on 11 November 2018. This count would certainly be a new high record for the Great Lakes region. Observer Jeff Loughman.
- On 15 November 2018, the Seaside City Council in central California approved a permit to have a floating Heermann's Gull nesting island put in place at Roberts Lake.
- Six California Gulls were observed at a water treatment plant in Culberson County, Texas on 24 November 2018. To my knowledge this is a single site high count. Observers Martin Reid, Sheridan Coffey, Willie Sekula.
November 2018 Quiz
Age: We can be sure this individual is not sporting definitive adult plumage. The heavily marked tail, ink spots on the upper side of the secondaries (right wing), black-marked primary coverts, and smoky brown pigment on the under wing coverts along the leading edge (left wing), all make this a relatively straight forward bird to age. It has adult like gray secondaries and primaries, with broad white tips, ruling out a 2nd cycle. This individual would best be aged as a 3rd cycle type if we can agree it's a large, four-year gull.
Identification: The gray upperparts don't appear dark enough for any black-backed species. Which gray-backed gull has pale eyes and a medium size bill? The black subterminal tip to the bill superficially resembles Ring-billed Gull, but our bird has more of a menacing look with a barrel chested-body and broader wings. Of course if we were observing this bird in real life, we'd immediately get a sense for size and structure, but we don't have that information in a single snapshot. However, if it were a Ring-billed, it would be a 2nd cycle as this is a 3 year gull. The tail band is too wide for Ring-billed with black coming up more than half the length of several rectrices. Here's a typical tail band on a 2nd cycle Ring-billed Gull. It helps to zoom in on what look like pink feet (Ring-billed is yellow-footed).
Our November Quiz bird is a 3rd cycle Herring Gull, a species we should be comfortably familiar with anywhere in North America. Ottawa County, Michigan. December.
31 October 2018
Monthly Notables October 2018
- California Gull (3rd cycle type). Richland County, Ohio. 01 October 2018.
- Apparently the same individual found in Lorain County in late September.
- California Gull (adult). LaPorte County, Indiana. 04 October 2018.
- Little Gull (juvenile). St. Charles County, Missouri. 05 October 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (2nd cycle type). Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. 07 October 2018.
- 1st for Philadelphia.
- Herring Gull (adult). Yuma County, Arizona. 07 October 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Snohomish County, Washington. 08 October 2018.
- Mew Gull (2nd cycle). Allegan County, Michigan. 14 October 2018.
- 9th State Record.
- Laughing Gull (1st cycle). Arthabaska County, Quebec. 18 October 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Ketchikan Gateway County, Alaska. 20 October 2018.
- Glaucous Gull (1st cycle). Cameron Parish County, Louisiana. 21 October 2018.
- Laughing Gull (adult). Halifax County, Nova Scotia. 21 October 2018.
- Laughing Gull (1st cycle & adult). Saint Pierre & Miquelon. 22 October 2018.
- Laughing Gull (2 adults). St. John's County, NF & Labrador. 22 October 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). Lane County, Oregon. 22 October 2018.
- Western Gull (2nd cycle). Nueces County, Texas. 25 October 2018.
- 4th State Record.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (3rd cycle type). Santa Cruz County, California. 26 October 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (3rd cycle type). Cook County, Minnesota. 28 October 2018.
- 9th State Record.
Miscellaneous Notes:
A small influx of Laughing Gulls was recorded in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in the 3rd week of October. This was in all likelihood associated with hurricane conditions along the Atlantic.
October 2018 Quiz
Age: Both gulls appear to be typical adults with no traces of sub-adult plumes or bill patterns.
Identification: The only thing better than an open wing shot is two open wings for comparison. The gray upperparts are virtually equal in color, and so they're of little help. Suffice to say the gray is pale and any dark-backed species is immediately excluded.
Most useful are the wingtips. To the discerning eye, the bird in front has more extensive black pigment on the wingtip while the other shows limited black and more white. Not only this, the shade of black is slightly paler on the farther individual. The bird in front shows a fairly standard Herring Gull wingtip for the central and western part of the continent, and its pale eye and fairly strong bill agree with Herring as well. The farther individual shows a rather classic Iceland Gull wingtip with thayeri pattern on the 9th primary. The all-white tip to p10 and notable white tongue tips on p6-p8 also point to Iceland Gull. Also note the dusky eye and smudgy head markings, and hints of a smaller bill.
Our October Quiz birds - Adult Herring & Thayer's Gull - were photographed in Superior, Wisconsin in late November.
30 September 2018
Monthly Notables September 2018
- Laughing Gull (juvenile). Marion County, Iowa. 03 September 2018.
- An immaculately fresh juvenile.
- Little Gull (juvenile). Lake County, Indiana. 03 September 2018.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (juvenile). Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. 07 September 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (1st cycle). Suffolk County, Massachusetts. 07 September 2018.
- Little Gull (juvenile). Cook County, Illinois. 10 September 2018.
- Great Black-backed Gull (adult type). Keith County, Nebraska. 12 September 2018.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (adult). Gallatin County, Montana. 12 September 2018.
- A rarely-seen adult bird. Only the 7th for the state and earliest fall record by two months.
- Little Gull (juvenile). Washington County, Colorado. 13 September 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (juvenile). Marion County, West Virginia. 14 September 2018.
- Only the 4th state record.
- Black-tailed Gull (3rd cycle type). Powell River District, British Columbia. 13 September 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Pierce County, Washington. 14 September 2018.
- Likely the same adult returning here since 2013.
- Glaucous Gull (2nd cycle). St. John's County, Newfoundland. 15 September 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult type). Metro Vancouver District, British Columbia. 16 September 2018.
- California Gull (adult). Lorain County, Ohio. 13 September 2018.
- Heermann's Gull (2nd cycle type). Pima County, Arizona. 18 September 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Larimer County, Colorado. 19 September 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult). Halifax County, Nova Scotia. 19 September 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (1st cycle). District of Columbia. 22 September 2018.
- First record for Washington DC since 1989.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (3rd cycle type). Wasco County, Oregon. 24 September 2018.
- First county record.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (adult type). Peace River District, British Columbia. 24 September 2018.
- Laughing Gull (2nd cycle). Randolph County, Missouri. 26 September 2018.
September 2018 Quiz
Age: This rather small and compact gull displays a full tailband and brown-washed wing coverts. We can feel safe aging it as a 1st cycle. Of course extended views would be desired to better age our gull.
Identification: There's no question that this is a hooded species. Of note is the solid-patterned upperwing (right wing). It lacks a carpal bar, eliminating species such as Bonaparte's, Little and Black-headed. The bold eye crescents and semi-hooded appearance scream Franklin's Gull. Also supportive of Franklin's (over Laughing Gull) is the clean white wing linings and hind neck. If we zoom in, the tailband on Franklin's almost never reaches the outermost edge of the outer tail feathers, as is the case here.
This 1st cycle Franklin's Gull was photographed in Chicago, Illinois. October.
01 September 2018
Monthly Notables August 2018
Miscellaneous Notes:
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). San Luis Obispo County, California. 03 August 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (1st summer type). Fairfax County, Virginia. 04 August 2018.
- Laughing Gull (adult). Lunenberg County, Nova Scotia. 04 August 2018.
- Laughing Gull (juvenile). Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 04 August 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (adult type). Sarasota County, Florida. 11 August 2018.
- The observer has had 3 Sabine's at this site in 14 months.
- Great Black-backed Gull (adult). Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 13 August 2018.
- Possibly the same individual seen here last August.
- Mew Gull (2nd cycle). Arapahoe County, Colorado. 13 August 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). Mendocino County, California. 14 August 2018.
- Apparently the 3rd LBBG seen in California this summer.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (juvenile). Hamilton County, Ontario. 20 August 2018.
- Common Gull (adult). St. John's County, Newfoundland & Labrador. 24 August 2018.
- Herring Gull (3rd cycle type). San Francisco County, California. 25 August 2018.
Miscellaneous Notes:
- On 01 August 2018, Jean-Guy Beaulieu found and photographed a banded 1st summer Black-legged Kittiwake in Les Escoumins, Quebec. After doing a little investigating, I received a reply from a French biologist who claimed the bird - apparently the first banded French kittiwake to be found on mainland America. More here.
August 2018 Quiz
Age: Focusing on the two individuals with heads upright, we can be fairly confident these are adult, large white-headed gulls (LWHG).
Identification: The black-backed gull should be the easier to identify from this duo. Given its relative size, we should readily dismiss Great Black-backed Gull. This appears to be a slim and long-winged gull. The red gonys spot is enlarged and the bill itself is relatively straight with virtually no expansion at the gonys. The streaking on the face is made up of thin, pencil-like, streaks. All of these features make this yellow-eyed critter a Lesser Black-backed Gull
The noticeably larger gull to the left with paler gray upperparts is superficially similar to a Herring, but it isn't one. Notice the black on the primaries is not a jet black like the other gulls in the photo. That, along with the extensive white on the primaries should convince us we may have something other than a Herring in view. The darkish eye and greenish tinge to the bill match up nicely with Thayer's Iceland Gull, as does the extent of pigment on the primaries.
Our August Quiz photo is indeed of a Thayer's Gull (left) and Lesser Black-backed Gull (right).
Chicago, Illinois. January.
31 July 2018
Monthly Notables July 2018
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). San Mateo County, California. 02 July 2018.
- Laughing Gull (1st summer). Clay County, Iowa. 03 July 2018.
- 1st County Record.
- Bonaparte's Gull (1st summer). Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 09 July 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (4th cycle type). Inuvik County, NW Territories. 09 July 2018.
- Mew Gull (1st summer). San Luis Obispo County, California. 10 July 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (1st summer). San Mateo County, California. 12 July 2018.
- Possible first local summer record.
- Franklin's Gull (1st summer). Newport County, Rhode Island. 16 July 2018.
- 13th State Record.
- Glaucous Gull (1st summer). Suffolk County, New York. 17 July 2018.
- Mew Gull (2nd summer type). Humboldt County, California. 19 July 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (2 first summer individuals). St. John's County, Newfoundland. 19 July 2018.
- Laughing Gull (adult). Lambton County, Ontario. 21 July 2018.
- Iceland Gull (1st summer). Chatham-Kent County, Ontario. 22 July 2018.
- Glaucous Gull (adult). Monroe County, New York. 23 July 2018.
- Glaucous-winged Gull (1st summer). Kiholo Bay, Hawaii. 23 July 2018.
- Continuing from June.
- Iceland Gull (3rd summer). Yukon County, Yukon Territory. 26 July 2018.
- Putative Kumlien's Iceland Gull.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd summer). Portage la Prairie County, Manitoba. 27 July 2018.
- Glaucous Gull (adult). Niagara County, New York. 27 July 2018.
- Apparently the same out-of-season adult seen in Monroe County on 23 July 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult type). St. John's County, Newfoundland. 28 July 2018.
- Glaucous-winged Gull (4th cycle type). San Diego County, California. 28 July 2018.
- Great Black-backed Gull (2nd summer). Oliver County, South Dakota. 29 July 2018.
- Laughing Gull (adult). Ventura County, California. 31 July 2018.
- Some promising news with respect to Heermann's Gulls in the state of California. Local birders and conservationists Joanna & Byron Chin documented two separate nesting sites with perhaps up to 11 young successfully fledged in Seaside. Efforts are underway to build and maintain a small man-made island on Roberts Lake. This island will replace the old sunken island that the colony used in the past. Check out this inspiring video by Byron where a drone is used to survey the lake: https://www.facebook.com/SeasideHEEGs/videos/500183813749205/
- A small Iceland Gull colony of approximately 150 birds was discovered on 17 July 2018 in northern Quebec along the Hudson Strait. The observer who reported the birds, Alexandre Anctil, made the sighting overhead from a helicopter. The adults - rearing young - are described as pale and gray-winged, not dark-winged. Alexandre explained to me that from a distance, he thought the gulls would be the more expected Glaucous Gull. This colony is one of the largest of its kind to be found at such a southern latitude (61.682593N 71.767582O). The age breakdown is estimated to be 100 adults and approximately 50 chicks.
July 2018 Quiz
Age: The medley of old and new mottled upperparts, along with retained, pointed, outer primaries give the impression of 1st summer gulls. Indeed all three of our July Quiz birds are roughly 1 year of age (now in their 2nd prebasic molts).
Identification: We'll begin with the darkest individual on the far left. The lightly barred undertail coverts and significantly solid dark upperparts suggest a black-backed gull. The defined striations along the nape and neck are found in Lesser Black-backed Gull, and the size and structure agree with that species.
Next, the lighter individual on the far right shows a mixture of pale grays to the new scapulars. These feathers are light enough to steer us away from a dark-backed gull. The heavily marked undertail coverts and body structure fit Herring Gull, and there is little doubt it is any other large pale gull.
The trickiest of our group is the center bird in the back. At first glance one may pass it off as another young messy summer Herring Gull. However, the delicate bill and small rounded head give it a more graceful expression. There are hints of a pale uppertail and pale underside to the left wing (compare this to the darker underside of the Herring Gull's right wing). The smaller and more compact size is also noteworthy. The center gull was identified as a 1st summer Thayer's Iceland Gull. An open wing to seal the deal:
The underside to the primaries are genuinely pale and not strictly due to fading and bleaching. |
Our July 2018 Quiz was taken in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin on Lake Michigan. 23 June 2018.
01 July 2018
Monthly Notables June 2018
- Franklin's Gull (adult). St. John's County, Newfoundland. 03 June 2018.
- Heermann's Gull (1st summer). Pima County, Arizona. 05 June 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (3rd summer). Portage la Prairie County, Manitoba. 07 June 2018.
- Herring Gull (1st summer). Eddy County, New Mexico. 08 June 2018.
- Mew Gull (2nd cycle). Rimouski-Neigette County, Quebec. 09 June 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Kitsap County, Washington. 13 June 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (1st summer). Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 15 June 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd summer). Inuvik County, Northwest Territories. 16 June 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult). San Mateo County, California. 18 June 2018.
- Laughing Gull (1st summer). Alger County, Michigan. 22 June 2018.
- Ring-billed Gull (2nd summer). Keewatin County, Nunavut. 22 June 2018.
- Thayer's Gull (1st summer). Sheboygan County, Wisconsin. 23 June 2018.
- Mew Gull (1st summer). Los Angeles County, California. 24 June 2018.
- Laughing Gull (adult, 2 second cycle types). Berrien County, Michigan. 28 June 2018.
- The 3 individuals seen together may constitute a state high count for a single site.
- Great Black-backed Gull (1st summer). Berrien County, Michigan. 26 June 2018.
30 June 2018
June 2018 Quiz
Age: At first glance this appears to be an adult, or an adult-type, large white-headed gull. The light gray tips to the median coverts are reason enough to suspect this is a sub-adult bird.
Identification: This month's quiz bird is dark-backed with rich yellow legs. There aren't many species that meet this criteria in North America. Lesser Black-backed Gull, California Gull and Yellow-footed Gull should all be considered.
I will dismiss California Gull on the count of it being a noticeably paler species than what is seen here. On the palest end, California Gull scores a 5 on the Kodak Gray Scale, and a 7.5 on the darkest end. The palest Lesser Black-backed Gull (subspecies graellsii) scores a 9 on the Kodak Gray Scale, and a 13 on the darkest end (nominate fuscus - unrecorded in North America). Yellow-footed Gull (monotypic) ranges 9-10.5.
We are left with Lesser Black-backed and Yellow-footed Gull. The bill on our bird is thick all throughout and shows a noticeable bulbous tip. This seems much better for the Mexican species. Zooming in we note a darkish iris and yellow orbital. Adult type, and even many sub-adult Lessers, show eyes that are considerably paler than this. Lesser Black-backed also sports a reddish orbital ring.
Our quiz bird is indeed a Yellow-footed Gull photographed at the Salton Sea in Imperial County, California. September.
I will dismiss California Gull on the count of it being a noticeably paler species than what is seen here. On the palest end, California Gull scores a 5 on the Kodak Gray Scale, and a 7.5 on the darkest end. The palest Lesser Black-backed Gull (subspecies graellsii) scores a 9 on the Kodak Gray Scale, and a 13 on the darkest end (nominate fuscus - unrecorded in North America). Yellow-footed Gull (monotypic) ranges 9-10.5.
We are left with Lesser Black-backed and Yellow-footed Gull. The bill on our bird is thick all throughout and shows a noticeable bulbous tip. This seems much better for the Mexican species. Zooming in we note a darkish iris and yellow orbital. Adult type, and even many sub-adult Lessers, show eyes that are considerably paler than this. Lesser Black-backed also sports a reddish orbital ring.
Our quiz bird is indeed a Yellow-footed Gull photographed at the Salton Sea in Imperial County, California. September.
01 June 2018
Monthly Notables May 2018
1. An apparent 1st cycle Laughing x Ring-billed Gull was photographed in by Janice Soos Farral in Lucas County, Ohio in early May. Photos here.
2. The dark-winged 1st cycle Ring-billed Gull photographed in Lansing, Michigan in early April 2018 was apparently spotted in Berrien County, Michigan on 09 May 2018. This individual may clarify the juvenile Ring-billed observed in Wisconsin Point a couple of years ago, suspected of being a Ring-billed x Lesser Black-backed Gull. Previous to this, solid dark wings as such have only been reported in small, hooded, gulls in North America.
3. Back in March of 2018, Pennsylvania Game Commission biologists fitted 9 adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls with satellite transmitters. As of 21 May 2018, two individuals had made it to southwest Greenland, and 5 others were to the far northeast between the Bay of Fundy, Northern Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Camrose-Llyodminister County, Alberta. 02 May 2018.
- Continuing from April 2018.
- Glaucous Gull (1st cycle). San Mateo County, California. 02 May 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). Natrona County, Wyoming. 03 May 2018.
- Little Gull (adult). St. Louis County, Minnesota. 04 May 2018.
- 2 adults seen in the area on 12 May 2018.
- Iceland Gull (1st cycle). Harrison County, Mississippi. 08 May 2018.
- Herring Gull (1st cycle). Mohave County, Arizona. 09 May 2018.
- Great Black-backed Gull (1st cycle). Burleigh County, North Dakota. 12 May 2018.
- Iceland Gull (1st cycle). Cook County, Illinois. 12 May 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Aleutians West County, Alaska. 12 May 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult). Saint Paul Island, Alaska. 16 May 2018.
- Apparent 6th record for the island.
- Glaucous-winged Gull (adult). Fort Smith County, Northwest Territories. 18 May 2018.
- 2nd record for the Yellowknife area.
- Franklin's Gull (1st cycle). Transylvania County, Pennsylvania. 18 May 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult). Anchorage County, Alaska. 19 May 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Kodiak Island County, Alaska. 20 May 2018.
- Ross's Gull (adult). Kusilvak County, Alaska. 24 May 2018.
- Heermann's Gull (adult). Yuma County, Arizona. 25 May 2018.
- Laughing Gull (adult). St. Louis County, Minnesota. 26 May 2018.
- Common Gull (adult). Avalon Peninsula. Newfoundland. 26 May 2018.
- Found in a Ring-billed Gull colony. No evidence of nesting.
1. An apparent 1st cycle Laughing x Ring-billed Gull was photographed in by Janice Soos Farral in Lucas County, Ohio in early May. Photos here.
2. The dark-winged 1st cycle Ring-billed Gull photographed in Lansing, Michigan in early April 2018 was apparently spotted in Berrien County, Michigan on 09 May 2018. This individual may clarify the juvenile Ring-billed observed in Wisconsin Point a couple of years ago, suspected of being a Ring-billed x Lesser Black-backed Gull. Previous to this, solid dark wings as such have only been reported in small, hooded, gulls in North America.
3. Back in March of 2018, Pennsylvania Game Commission biologists fitted 9 adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls with satellite transmitters. As of 21 May 2018, two individuals had made it to southwest Greenland, and 5 others were to the far northeast between the Bay of Fundy, Northern Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
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Copyright Pennsylvania Game Commission. |
31 May 2018
May 2018 Quiz
Age: A known-age bird, this individual was banded in Door County, Wisconsin as a nestling. The overall appearance suggests a 1st cycle and the pointed primary tips reinforce this.
Identification: In some ways, a 1st cycle California Gull may approach what we see here, but that species tends to have a longer and more tubular bill. The bill on our quiz bird is stout and widens at the base. Depending on the time of year, we'd expect a more sharply demarcated bill pattern for California. At this age, California Gull has a longer-wing appearance with an attenuated feel to the rear. The silvery 2nd generation scapulars are suspiciously similar to many Herrings at this age, and of course, that's what this individual is. Structurally, it looks fine for a Herring Gull. The solid brown wing coverts are a result of the feather edges fraying, which eliminates much of the pale edging we'd see soon after fledging.
This individual was rescued by the Wisconsin Humane Society after being trapped in a deep windowsill between buildings. Luckily, it was soon released where it then made its way over to Berrien County, Michigan. It was banded as a chick on 24 June 2013. I photographed it in southwest Michigan on 07 December 2013.
30 April 2018
Monthly Notables April 2018
- California Gull (1st cycle). Volusia County, Florida. 06 April 2018.
- Apparently the same individual seen here in February 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). New Hanover County, North Carolina. 08 April 2018.
- Little Gull (adult). Sangamon County, Illinois. 11 April 2018.
- Common Gull (adult). Barnstable County, Massachusetts. 14 April 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Norfolk County, Massachusetts. 15 April 2018.
- 1st county record. Perhaps the first well-documented brachyrhynchus for the state.
- Common Gull (adult). Norfolk County, Massachusetts. 15 Aril 2018.
- Blue leg band, 747, on left leg, originating from Iceland. This individual was seen on the same stretch of beach with the Mew Gull above. See here. Not to be confused with the metal-banded Common Gull also originating from Iceland.
- Mew Gull (adult). Schenectady County, New York. 15 April 2018.
- Apparent 1st county record.
- Great Black-backed Gull (1st cycle). Burleigh County, North Dakota. 17 April 2018.
- Little Gull (adult). Ingham County, Michigan. 18 April 2018.
- Mew Gull (1st cycle). Scott County, Iowa. 18 April 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Warren County, Pennsylvania. 19 April 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Keith County, Nebraska. 21 April 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). San Mateo County, California. 24 April 2018.
- Distinct bird with missing left foot.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Cameron Parish, Louisiana. 24 April 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult). Robert Cliché County, Quebec. 27 April 2018.
- Ivory Gull (adult). Nome County, Alaska. 28 April 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Camrose-Lloydminister County, Alberta. 29 April 2018.
- Apparent 1st record for Edmonton region.
- Little Gull (adult). Sullivan County, New Hampshire. 30 April 2018.
April 2018 Quiz
Age: The gray back and proximal wing coverts suggest an adult bird, but which species?
Identification: Note that Bonaparte's is easily ruled out due to the white trailing edge. Black-legged Kittiwake would be a good guess, but the pattern on the upperwings and primaries contradicts its age. That is, only a young Black-legged Kittiwake would show the white triangle seen here, but it would be coupled with a black carpal bar. Also, traces of a black tailband would be present if it were the more common kittiwake.
From the looks of it, this appears to be a "smaller" gull, mostly recalling Sabine's Gull. But there are some small, subtle, features on this bird that nail the identification: Notice the white sliver on the outer scapulars on the right wing. Zooming in, there is a thin white partition between the scaps and upperwing coverts. This is not found in any Sabine's Gull, but is found in Swallow Tailed-Gull. And. And. And...last, but not least...adult Sabine's have black-ish legs - not the relatively bright pink legs seen in the photo above.
I think we can be sure that if we ever saw our April Quiz bird, head included, we'd have no trouble agreeing on Swallow-tailed Gull.
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Swallow-tailed Gull. Everett, Washington. 02 September 2017. |
31 March 2018
Monthly Notables March 2018
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). San Mateo County, California. 01 March 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Kings County, New York. 02 March 2018.
- Thayer's Gull (adult). Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. 03 March 2018.
- Continuing from previous month.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Douglas County, Kansas. 04 March 2018.
- Continuing from previous month.
- Laughing Gull (1st cycle). Mohave County, Arizona. 04 March 2018.
- Continuing from January 2018.
- Black-tailed Gull (adult). Del Norte County, California. 05 March 2018.
- Continuing from previous month.
- Kumlien's Gull (1st cycle). Harrison County, Mississippi. 07 March 2018.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). San Diego County, California. 08 March 2018.
- California Gull (adult). Cuyahoga County, Ohio. 08 March 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (3rd cycle). Pierce County, Washington. 09 March 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Plymouth County, Massachusetts. 09 March 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Lancaster County, Nebraska. 11 March 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Mohave County, Arizona. 11 March 2018.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Chatham County, Georgia. 14 March 2018.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Plaquemines County, Louisiana. 16 March 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Santa Clara County, California. 17 March 2018.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Baltimore County, Maryland. 17 March 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Monterey County, California. 18 March 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (adult). Los Angeles County, California. 23 March 2018.
- Sabine's Gull (adult). Marion County, Oregon. 25 March 2018.
- Kamchatka Gull (adult). Digby County, Nova Scotia. 25 March 2018.
- Continuing from previous month.
- Great Black-backed Gull (adult). Mobile County, Alabama. 28 March 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (1st cycle). Union County, Pennsylvania. 31 March 2018.
Miscellaneous Notes
- An assembly of Heermann's Gulls (~100) appear to be preparing for nesting in Seaside, California.
March 2018 Quiz
AGE: The rounded primary tips, plain and muted pattern to the wing coverts, along with the gray mantle feathers can be combined to age this individual as a 2nd cycle. A pale eye is revealed when zooming in closely and this readily points away from a 1st cycle.
IDENTIFICATION: There are several features on this large gull that suggest a white-winger. Notice the "venetian blind" effect on the outer primaries. In particular, the outer webs and inner webs show a consistent dark, then pale, pattern. The appearance of the upperwing is plain and uniform with what could be described as a velvety feel. The cold blue mantle feathers are neat and tidy, fading into the upperparts with little effort.
So which white-winger is this? Thayer's Gull immediately comes to mind, but why not a Herring Gull? Herrings are much more contrasty at this age and typically show messier upperparts that are more splotchy. Also, a Herring Gull should show darker primaries and tail band - black if you will. Also, the all-black bill isn't unusual for this age in Thayer's, but it would be unusual for a Herring in its 2nd plumage cycle.
Here's a typical 2nd cycle Herring Gull for comparison:
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The bi-colored bill and darker inner webs to the outer primaries point away from thayeri. |
Our March Quiz bird is indeed a 2nd cycle Thayer's Gull, photographed in Port Washington, Wisconsin. February 2018.
01 March 2018
Monthly Notables February 2018
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Brevard County, Florida. 02 February 2018.
- Continued from previous month.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Coffey County, Kansas. 03 February 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Monterey County, California. 05 February 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Onondaga County, New York. 06 February 2018.
- Same individual found in Oswego County in January 2018.
- Mew Gull (1st cycle). Tarrant County, Texas. 08 February 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Benton County, Washington. 11 February 2018.
- Black-tailed Gull (adult). Del Norte County, California. 11 February 2018.
- Thayer's Iceland Gull (adult). Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. 14 February 2018.
- Franklin's Gull (adult). Los Angeles County, California. 15 February 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult type). Seneca County, New York. 16 February 2018.
- 2nd County Record. Same individual from Onondaga and Oswego County.
- Slaty-backed Gull (3rd cycle). Middlesex County, Massachusetts. 16 February 2018.
- California Gull (1st cycle). Volusia County, Florida. 16 February 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Columbia County, Oregon. 18 February 2018.
- Showing a peculiar orange color to the legs, and especially on the bill.
- Common Gull (adult). Essex County, Massachusetts. 19 February 2018.
- Same banded adult with silver band from last year. Banded in Iceland 2013.
Kamchatka Gull (adult). Digby County, Nova Scotia. 19 February 2018.- Presumably a returning bird, first detected last winter.
- Little Gull (2nd cycle type). Barren County, Kentucky. 20 February 2018.
- California Gull (2nd cycle). Kleberg County, Texas. 22 February 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (3rd cycle). Kennebec County, Maine. 23 February 2018.
- Apparently the same individual that was found in Massachusetts the week before.
- 2nd State Record. Incidentally, the first state record was also from this site.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. 24 February 2018.
- On-and-off from January.
- Laughing Gull (adult). Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. 27 February 2018.
- California Gull (3rd cycle). Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. 28 February 2018.
- Great Black-backed Gull (adult). Pubelo County, Colorado. 28 February 2018.
- Believed to be the same adult returning for the 24th winter.
The theme in February was Slaty-backed Gulls. Multiple adults, two 3rd cycle types and a 2nd cycle type were seen and photographed in the lower 48. This continues to beg the obvious question: how many 1st cycle birds are being overlooked?!
The increase in Kamchatka Gulls between Nova Scotia and Massachusetts might be contributed to several returning birds. Nonetheless, this novelty is curious to say the least and it'll be interesting to see where we go from here.
28 February 2018
February 2018 Quiz
AGE: The brown wing coverts and black tailband point to a small-ish 1st cycle gull.
IDENTIFICATION: This 1st cycle gull already shows all-gray upper scapulars and gray on the inner median covert. The gray is relatively dark - darker than, say, Bonaparte's. The smudging around the neck and breast recall Franklin's and Laughing Gull. The black bill and black legs are not only species-specific, they're seasonal characteristics in this species. The bill is rather heavy and the outlines of the eye crescents are relatively thin. On Franklin's, the bill appears shorter and thinner, and the head typically keeps a quasi-hood toward the back of the head. Inscribed in this hood are usually much more bolder eye crescents. These marks, along with messy underwing coverts, and black coming all the way out to the outer edges of the outer tail feather, all point directly to a 1st cycle Laughing Gull.
Brevard County, Florida. January.
01 February 2018
Monthly Notables January 2018
Worthy of mention is an adult Western Gull found in Estero Las Aguas, Choluteca, Honduras on 04 January 2018. Not only is this a 1st for Honduras, it's also an overdue first record for all of Central America.
- Mew Gull (1st cycle). Franklin County, Ohio. 02 January 2018.
- Continued from previous month.
- Ivory Gull (adult). Lake County, Illinois. 03 January 2018.
- 4th State Record.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Mohave County, Arizona. 03 January 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Cook County, Illinois. 04 January 2018.
- 3rd County Record.
- Slaty-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Los Angeles County, California. 06 January 2018.
- Ring-billed Gull (adult). Northern Peninsula - St. Anthony County, NL. 08 January 2018.
- Vega Gull (adult). Humboldt County, California. 12 January 2018.
- Laughing Gull (1st cycle). Mohave County, Arizona. 14 January 2018.
- Mew Gull (adult). Keith County, Nebraska.15 January 2018.
- Kamchatka Gull (adult). Nantucket, Massachusetts. 15 January 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Oswego County, New York. 16 January 2018.
- 2nd County Reocrd
- Mew Gull (adult). Kings County, New York. 16 January 2018.
- Likely a returning bird, first detected here as a 2nd cycle in 2015.
- Laughing Gull (adult). San Mateo County, California. 16 January 2018.
- Common Gull (adult). Oswego County, New York. 18 January 2018.
- Common Gull (adult). Essex County, Massachusetts. 20 January 2018.
- Returning adult from last winter. Silver leg band on right leg not matching last winter's banded adult.
- Vega Gull (adult). Cameron County, Texas. 20 January 2018.
- Returning for at least the last 4 consecutive winters.
- Kelp Gull (adult). Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. 21 January 2018.
- First for Nova Scotia. 3rd for all of Canada.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Brevard County, Florida. 25 January 2018.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. 29 January 2018.
Worthy of mention is an adult Western Gull found in Estero Las Aguas, Choluteca, Honduras on 04 January 2018. Not only is this a 1st for Honduras, it's also an overdue first record for all of Central America.
January 2018 Quiz
Age: The well-patterned wing coverts and undertail coverts suggest a 1st cycle large gull. Zooming in, the primary tips are pointed, also supporting a 1st cycle bird. Note that the dark gray feather splotching along the upper flanks, breast and hindneck, is presumably from a post-juvenile molt. These feathers are thought to be from the same molt that produced the post-juvenile scapulars seen here. Bear in mind that all the visible scapulars have been renewed (i.e., formative). The tertials and upperwing coverts are juvenile (i.e., 1st basic).
Identification: We can immediately rule out all white-winged species as none have primaries this dark in 1st cycle, coupled with renewed mottled scapulars. All of our large gulls begin with pink legs, so leg color is of no value here. Note that California Gull can superficially resemble this, but the wing projection is typically longer (difficult to ascertain from a single photo), the rear is sleeker and more attenuated, and the body doesn't appear as heavy. The bill is starting to pale and the overall size/proportions point to a standard American Herring Gull. The pale head with contrasting dark body is fairly common in this age group, quite early in the season.
Our January Quiz is indeed a 1st cycle Herring Gull. Winthrop Harbor, Illinois. November.
01 January 2018
Monthly Notables December 2017
- Great Black-backed Gull (1st cycle). Polk County, Iowa. 02 December 2017.
- Great Black-backed Gull (adult). Pueblo County, Colorado. 02 December 2017.
- Believed to be the same returning adult for the 24th year!
- California Gull (adult). Butler County, Pennsylvania. 03 December 2017.
- Black-headed Gull (1st cycle). Wakulla County, Florida. 03 December 2017.
- Black-headed Gull (adult). Riverside County, California. 05 December 2017.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (adult). Cibola County, New Mexico. 06 December 2017.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Kenosha County, Wisconsin. 10 December 2017.
- First County Record.
- Slaty-backed Gull (adult). Benton County, Washington. 11 December 2017.
- Likely a reoccurring bird from last two winters.
- California Gull (adult). Ketchikan Gateway County, Alaska. 16 December 2017.
- Thayer's Gull (2nd cycle). Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 16 December 2017.
- Sabine's Gull (1st cycle). Galveston County, Texas. 17 December 2017.
- Herring Gull (1st cycle). Nome County, Alaska. 21 December 2017.
- Subspecies undetermined. 2nd latest record locally.
- Kamchatka Gull (adult). Digby County, Nova Scotia. 24 December 2017.
- Returning individual for third consecutive winter.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Chambers & Harris County, Texas. 25 December 2017.
- Black-legged Kittiwake (1st cycle). Ottawa County, Michigan. 26 December 2017.
- Kumlien's Gull (2nd cycle). Nanaimo District, British Columbia. 27 December 2017.
- Mew Gull (1st cycle). Franklin County, Ohio. 28 December 2017.
- Laughing Gull (adult). La Salle County, Illinois. 28 December 2017.
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