01 July 2023

June 2023 Monthly Notables


  • Black-headed Gull (adult). Knox County, Maine. 02 June 2023.
  • Laughing Gull (adult). Nunatsiavut-Nain County, Newfoundland. 04 June 2023.
  • Black-legged Kittiwake (adult). Niagara County, New York. 04 June 2023.
  • Little Gull (1st cycle). Douglas County, Wisconsin. 04 June 2023.
  • Little Gull (1st cycle). St. Louis County, Minnesota. 04 June 2023.
  • Ross's Gull (1st cycle). Gambell, Alaska. 04 June 2023.
  • Iceland Gull (1st cycle). Norfolk County, Virginia. 05 June 2023.
  • Franklin's Gull (adult). Le Rocher-Perce County, Quebec. 05 June 2023.
  • Ross's Gull (adult). St. Louis County, Minnesota. 06 June 2023.
    • Continued from late May 2023.
  • Franklin's Gull (1st alternate). Westmorland County, New Brunswick. 07 June 2023.
    • 1st County Record.
  • Sabine's Gull (adult). Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. 09 June 2023.
  • Great Black-backed Gull (2nd cycle). Churchill and Northern Manitoba County, Manitoba. 10 June 2023.
  • Laughing Gull (1st cycle). Hughes County, South Dakota. 10 June 2023.
  • Black-legged Kittiwake (adult). Cass County, Minnesota. 14 June 2023.
  • California Gull (3rd cycle type). Stearns County, Minnesota. 17 June 2023.
    • Same individual in Beltrami County, MN on 21 June 2023.
  • Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult). Ada County, Idaho. 18 June 2023.
  • Black-headed Gull (1st cycle). Kent County, Delaware. 21 June 2023.
  • Heermann's Gull (3rd cycle). Cuyahoga County, Ohio. 23 June 2023.
    • 1st County Record. 


1. The Heermann's Gull from Cuyahoga County, Ohio was missing p1 on 23 June 2023, indicating the start of the 3rd prebasic molt (and hence in its 3rd molt cycle). By 30 June 2023, it showed dropped p1-p2. It appears to be the same individual from Lorain County (April 2023), which was a late 2nd cycle then. 

2. A report of 7 Short-billed Gulls from Gambell (seawatch) on 06 June 2023 is noteworthy. 

3. A survey in early June from Breton NWR turned up at least 4-5 Chandeleur Gulls (Kelp x Herring hybrids). St Bernard Parish, Lousiana. See here for photos. Where these hybrids reside in the nonbreeding season is unknown.

June 2023 Quiz


Indiana. March.

Age & Identification: 
From what can be seen on the inner primaries and outer secondary feathers, it does not appear these flight feathers are adult-like (i.e., solid gray/black centers with broad white tips). However, p10 has an obvious mirror on what appears to be a large, white-bodied bird with narrow tailband and minimally marked undertail coverts. Based on these features, along with the thick bill, blocky head and broad wing, we can conclude this must be a 2nd cycle Great Black-backed Gull.